Frequently asked Questions

Can we cancel a flight if the weather is bad ?

Yes . The pilot will call you the evening before your flight to give you a weather forecast briefing. If the weather is bad, your flight will be moved to an other day.

Can we change a booking ?


You can change a booking until 24 hours before you flight, later than this can results in  canceling fees.

Can I bring my camera ?

Yes. We recommend it !

Do you get flight sickness in an helicopter ?

Very rarely !

It never happened with us so far, but I can't garanty it won't happen to you .



Are you scare of height in a helicopter ?

Yas and No. Generaly you get this feeling when you are connected to the ground, it happened rarely in a helicopter .

What is the maximum weight per passenger ?

For the Robinson R44 it's 115 kg. For the Robinson R22 it's 95 kg.